Pinworm Infection: How to Get Rid of Pinworms Overnight

How to Get Rid of Pinworms Overnight

Pinworms cause the most common parasitic infection in the intestine and anal region. The disease usually affects children due to their unhygienic lifestyle. You can get rid of pinworms overnight and manage the symptoms with over-the-counter anthelmintics and some effective home remedies. Improve your personal hygiene and practice cleanliness to prevent the risk of reinfection.

Intestinal Pinworm Infection At A Glance

An Enterobius vermicularis, also known as a pinworm or threadworm, is a white to grey worm with a thickness similar to a thread. The male worm has a length of almost 2-5 mm, while a female pinworm is 8-13 mm long. The female parasite lays eggs in the intestine, which reaches the anus and causes infectious symptoms to appear. The infection caused by these parasites is called enterobiasis, and it affects approximately 1 billion people worldwide.

Symptoms Of Pinworm InfectionTransmission MethodsSites Affected by the Worm
Severe anal itching at nightIngestion through food Intestinal region
Vaginal discharge in femalesContaminated undergarments and beddingAnus and colon
Visible redness in the anal regionInhalation of EggsVagina 
Gastrointestinal disturbancesPerson-to-person contactSkin
SleeplessnessDrinking contaminated waterGroin area

Etiology of the Intestinal Pinworm Contamination

The major cause of the disease in adults and children is the unhygienic habits. The official document by the New York State highlights some of the major factors responsible for the infections, which include;

  • Swallowing of worm eggs through undercooked food, unclean drinking water, and unwashed hands after using the washroom.
  • The infection is contagious and spread due to close contact with the infected individual, such as through contaminated bedding, touching, hugging, etc.
  • Poor personal habits like dirty nails, scratching anal parts, and unwashed hands can also spread the infection.

How Does Pinworm Infection Spread

The pinworm lifecycle includes different stages, from the laying of eggs to the infectious stage.

  • Egg Laying Stage: The female pinworm lays eggs in the skin folds surrounding the anus, especially when it gets dark during the night. The parasitic eggs are oval and have a sticky coating around them that helps them stick to the surface.
  • Ingestion Stage: The major mode of transmission of infection is the fecal-oral route. The contaminated food, water, or direct contact with an infected individual can stick the eggs to the fingers, which can enter the mouth while eating.
  • Larval Stage: The ingested eggs hatch in the small intestine and travel down the large intestine and the anus.
  • Adult Stage: After about 1-2 weeks, the larvae mature into adult pinworms in the large intestine. Adult worms feed on nutrients and reproduce, starting the cycle again.

Caution: If you have the disease, maintain good personal hygiene and maintain a safe distance from others to prevent further spread.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Pinworms Overnight

Although little to no scientific evidence directly supports the home remedies to get rid of pinworms fast, they are believed to be effective. A few of the universally known natural remedies for the infection include the use of;

Garlic Stops Egg Laying

Garlic has been tested for long against parasitic infections, and in all of those, the targeted worms were killed. This proves the anthelmintic effect of the garlic cloves.

It is rich in sulfur, which helps expel the worms. It is also known to prevent female pinworms from laying eggs and help get rid of the intestinal ones already present.

Use 3 raw cloves of garlic every day for a week to deworm. If you dislike the taste, combine it with bread or pasta. You can also make garlic balm for topical application by mixing the chopped pieces with petroleum jelly.

Antibacterial Coconut Oil

Anecdotal evidence suggests that coconut oil can help get rid of pinworm infection due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Research studies show that the catechins and epicatechins in the coconut plant can contribute to its antiparasitic activities.

Swallow a tablespoon of coconut oil every morning to get rid of pinworms fast. You can also massage the oil on the infected skin for symptomatic relief.

Did you know that olive oil due to its anti-inflammatory effects can be a friendly substitute for coconut oil to remove pinworms quickly?

Bowel-Friendly Raw Carrot

Carrots are rich in fiber and are a vegetable known to impact bowel movements positively. Consuming raw carrots can impart a fecal bulking effect and the push results in the removal of pinworms from the anus. Carrots can also improve digestion and regulate the overall GIT movements.

Eat 2 bowls of shredded raw carrots a day to get rid of the worms naturally in the fastest way. You can also combine the vegetables with salads.

Turmeric Powder As Pinworm Remedy

Turmeric can cure threadworm infestation due to its natural antihelmintic effects, which are similar to several over-the-counter deworming drugs. The antibacterial effect contributes to further prevention and keeps the area clean and germs-free.

Take a teaspoon of turmeric as such with water or mix it with milk and boil for 5 mins. Drink it twice daily until symptoms subside and the infection begins to heal. 

Antiparasitic Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds were once listed in the official drug book (United States Pharmacopoeia) as an antiparasitic, highlighting the benefits of this remedy. The cucurbitacin component of the seeds is the major contributor to the deworming effects.

Eat pumpkin seeds or blend them to paste and apply the mask on the affected site. You can also blend the powder with milk and consume it as a home remedy to cure pinworm infection.

Medicinal Treatment To Treat Pinworms

Antihelmintic or antiparasitic class of medicines are known to be effective against pinworm infections. They are either consumed orally or applied topically to treat the disease overnight.

Wonder Working With Over-the-Counter Medicines For Pinworm Infection

The medicines available without a prescription for the disease include;

  • Mebendazole (Vermox)
  • Albendazole (Albenza)
  • Pyrantel pamoate (Reese’s Pinworm Medicine)

The two-dose treatment with these OTC antiparasitics can clean the infection. The second dose is usually taken 2 weeks after the first one.

If your symptoms persist or you notice;

  • Blood in urine or stool
  • Persistent stomach pain or
  • Visible worms on the site

Contact the doctor immediately, as it can be an indication of a worsening infection.

Prescription Antihelmintic Medicines

The doctor can prescribe the same medicines in increased doses for the treatment. Ivermectin is given in a single dose of 200 mcg/kg of body weight. They also prescribe good hygienic practices to treat the worms.

Pinworms Preventing Tips

Practicing the preventive measures for pinworm infection is equally important to avoid reinfection and the spread of the existing one.

  • Avoid close contact with a person suffering from the infection.
  • Wash your hands properly before eating and after using the washroom.
  • Change your undergarments, bedding, and blankets regularly.
  • Clean surfaces properly, including kitchen and washroom.
  • Avoid eating sugary and carbohydrate-rich foods, and shift towards healthy eating to get enough vitamins and minerals.

Note: You can also get a diet chart from a nutritionist to ensure mindful and healthy eating when trying to remove pinworms from your body.

Monitor your infection continuously. If you see worms on the infected sites, such as the anus and vagina, consult your doctor immediately. Untreated pinworms can lead to UTIs and secondary bacterial infections.


Pinworms can cause severe intestinal and anal infections leading to itching, skin issues, and gastric complications. You can get rid of the pinworms overnight with some natural home remedies and OTC medicines that help prevent the female worms from laying eggs. Make your personal habits on track to avoid spreading the disease.


Does vinegar kill pinworm eggs?

Acetic acid can be used to make the worm eggs lose their viability. You can also wash vegetables and fruits in the vinegar to deworm them.

Will bleach kill pinworm eggs?

Mix 1 TBSP of bleach in water and scrub the floor, bathroom, and other possible sources of the infection to kill the pinworms.

Can dogs get pinworms from humans?

CDC explains that the host of the pinworm parasite is human beings only. The worm will not cause the disease in dogs from humans.

Can cats carry pinworms?

Pinworms are host-specific and don’t present any link to the cats or other animals.

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