High Protein Vegan Snacks to Enhance Immunity and Bone Health

High Protein Vegan Snacks

The trend of plant-based foods has been on the rise recently. The lifestyle focuses on ingredients that are unrelated to animal products or meat. Veganism also promotes sustainability and smart thinking. We present high protein vegan snacks that you can have throughout the day to achieve your fitness goal.

Can you get sufficient protein in a vegan night?

Yes, you can you get enough protein on a vegan diet. However, the answer depends on two crucial factors.


If the vegan food intake contains the necessary number of amino acids or EAA, then you do not need to worry about deficiencies. The amino acids are molecules that combine to produce protein inside the body.

You can research which plant-based foods that are vegan are also rich in protein. Furthermore, you can rotate meals so the lifestyle does not become monotonous.


The food intake has enough protein that your body requires.

Why consume high protein vegan snacks?

High protein vegan snacks will keep you feeling full for longer. As a result, you can skip the snack time and move toward dinner. Moreover, consuming protein will regulate your blood sugar as well.

Protein is also necessary for muscle growth if you love to exercise. Furthermore, protein will repair your tissues quicker from a lifting injury. You will burn more calories. Your skin, nails, and hair will become healthy as well.

How much protein do I need in a day?

The Recommended Dietary Allowance suggests that 0.8 grams per kg per day is sufficient. However, researchers argue the amount is too little for the elder population, fitness enthusiasts, and vegans.

The correct answer to how much protein do I need in a day depends on your weight. You must aim to consume 1.2 to two kgs every day as an adult. For example, if you weigh 120 pounds, your daily protein consumption has to be 72 or 120 grams.

If you do not know how to reach that goal, we have your back! Your Meal Mate has researched the best protein-enriched vegan foods that you can add to your daily routine.

Budget-friendly and effective high protein vegan snacks

1. Peanut butter on Apple

Let’s begin the list of high protein vegan snacks with peanut butter applied to apples. It is a personal favorite among foodies and health enthusiasts combined. Two tablespoons of peanut butter and an apple have 300 calories with eight grams of protein.

You can choose an organic version of peanut butter that is made from salt and peanuts.

2. Greek style yogurt

A Greek-style yogurt is a high protein vegan snack that you can have if you are a vegetarian. The yogurt has an abundance of protein and bacteria that ensure good gut health.

You can have Greek yogurt on its own or mixed with fruits and nuts. Each small serving has an estimated 10 grams of protein.

3. Chickpeas

Who doesn’t love chickpeas? They are healthy, comfortable to eat, crunchy, and salty. Moreover, air frying chickpeas will not make a mess You can rinse and put them directly into the air fryer with your favorite seasoning.

The protein count is six grams in half a cup of chickpeas.

4. Coffee with soy milk

Coffee or espresso is also a high-protein snack if it is made with soy milk. The drink is a quick pick-me-up when you are feeling lazy in the protein.

At the same time, it carries protein. A latte or coffee with soy milk has seven to eight grams of protein.

5. Tofu

You can also air-fry tofu to increase your protein intake. It is a fantastic snack that will make you feel full and give you energy. A complete serving of tofu has 21 grams of protein. If you lack time, you can air-fry tofu with salt and your favorite seasoning.

6. Protein Shakes

If you are feeling like having a smoothie this morning, how about vegan protein shakes? You can add a scoop of your favorite protein-based powder with vegan milk and a banana. The smooth is delicious and extremely rewarding, with 26 grams of protein.

You cannot beat the cravings for a protein shake because of its flavor and ease. Vegan protein shakes are available from different brands. Moreover, you can choose the flavor too such as coffee, vanilla, and chocolate. You can also read the guide to meal replacement shakes for a healthy dietary intake.

7. Edamame

Edamame is a pure source of protein that does not have artificial flavors added to it. The beans are packed with the necessary amino acids, whether you add them to a salad at home or roast them in an air fry.

A complete serving of edamame has 11 grams of protein.

8. Protein bar

You can also have an organic protein bar to increase your intake. They are easily available in different stores. The sweet snack is ideal before going to the gym or a run.

The taste is sweet but salty You will not feel too full but have sufficient energy. The bar carries 10 grams of protein.

9. Pistachios

Pistachios are preferred if you are craving a quick snap and want to recover from the protein gap. They are rich in protein and carry healthy fats as well. Moreover, the fiber in pistachios will regulate blood sugar as well.

A serving of pistachios has six grams of protein.

10. More Nuts

Continuing with the theme of nuts, you can also have cashews, walnuts, and almonds to improve your diet. While doing so, you will experience a lot of benefits as well.

Most nuts have 20 grams of protein in a 100-gram serving. The nuts are crucial sources of magnesium, vitamin E, and omega-3.

11. Hummus

Hummus is a dish that belongs to the Middle East. However, it has grown popular around the globe, especially in the US. The dish is made from blended chickpeas, which are high in protein.

Hummus is an excellent source of fiber, folate, and iron. It offers eight grams of protein. You can include hummus in your gluten-free diet as well.

12. Protein Bites

Lastly, you can enjoy homemade protein bits to boost your intake. The ingredients are nut butter, chia seeds, flax seeds, or oats. You can include your favorite protein powder as well.

Hit your protein goal today!

If you are a vegan, you will need to consume more proteins. Unfortunately, plant-based ingredients do not have the nine necessary amino acids. Furthermore, the human body cannot digest vegan proteins as well as animal proteins. Therefore, snacking becomes necessary. Think of high protein vegan snacks as mini-meals before lunch or dinner.

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