Adding Research-Backed Apple Cider Tea Health Benefits To Diet

Apple Cider Tea

Apple cider tea is a herbal drink containing apple cider vinegar and black or green tea, with some optional sweeteners and spices. The growing popularity of tea, consumed by two-thirds of the population worldwide, combined with apple cider vinegar, provides health benefits ranging from detoxification to prevention of chronic heart diseases.

The blog takes you on a journey to discover this spicy warmth, its science-backed benefits, secret recipe, and the best time to consume apple cider tea.

Exploring the Origin of Apple Cider Tea

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) tea is a medicinal drink made by mixing fermented apple juice, known as cider, with black or green tea, herbs, and sweeteners served either hot or cold. ACV is made through fermentation giving its typical sour taste. This process produces a liquid that is 94% water and 5% acetic acid.

Apple cider tea has been used in conventional medicine for centuries, probably since the discovery of ACV in 5000 BC in China and Africa for the preservation of foods. With recent studies, the use of this beverage has gained immense fame due to its countless benefits to health. ACV tea blends the warmth and spices of vinegar with the soothing effects of tea, often using Camellia sinensis leaves. The tea may include additional herbs for health benefits and be sweetened with honey to balance the acidic flavor.

Nutritional Facts About Apple Cider Tea

ACV tea contains 1-3 calories per serving and does not contain many vitamins and nutrients, but a few of them include;

  • Amino Acids
  • Antioxidants
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium and
  • Phosphorus

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Tea

Each ingredient in this herbal tea imparts its benefits, resulting in an overall power pack. ACV tea, particularly the unfiltered variety containing “the mother” (beneficial bacteria and yeast), offers probiotic properties and numerous health benefits.

1. As An Antioxidant

Apple cider tea is a good antioxidant and reduces oxidative stress and free radicals. Green tea, abundant in catechins and polyphenols, combined with ACV, provides an antioxidant effect, supporting detoxification and reducing oxidative stress for overall health. Due to its detox effect, it is also popular among many skin care treatments. The decreased oxidative stress is also linked to preventing many chronic diseases and reducing inflammation in humans.

Fact: Darker ACV contains higher levels of antioxidants, enhancing its detoxifying properties.

2. Immune System Booster

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) tea, with its main ingredient acetic acid, offers antibacterial and antifungal properties. The polyphenols in the medicinal drink have anti-inflammatory effects, supporting the health of immune function.

Evidence suggests that ACV kills cancer cells directly in animal studies. Incorporating vitamin C-rich lemon and honey in the tea can enhance its immune system-boosting properties, promoting its use in various microbial infections.

3. Digestion Awakening Tea

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) tea is believed to offer several benefits for the digestive system. It contains small amounts of probiotics, which are beneficial for a healthy gut and maintaining its microbial flora. This aids in regulating bowel movements and bloating.

It helps speed up digestion and enhance the body’s absorption of important minerals from food. Apple cider tea is increasingly used as a remedy for heartburn and slow metabolism-induced acid reflux diseases. Zero-calorie green or black tea alone is considered friendly for flatulence, boosting its properties when mixed with ACV.

Caution: Do not increase apple cider vinegar by 2 Tbsp as the side effects can exceed the benefits at higher doses.

4. Supports Weight Loss

Using Pineapple water for weight loss is a well-known remedy, but ACV tea is now its new competitor. Consuming apple cider vinegar can be an effective aid in weight loss as it reduces belly fat. Studies show that vinegar increases feelings of fullness, leading to reduced calorie intake and weight loss. Combining the drink with spices like cinnamon also supports weight reduction and has a positive effect on obesity.

Consuming it with a meal containing solid foods suppresses appetite and reduces snacking for up to 24 hours. Apple cider tea positively impacts body mass index (BMI) and hip circumference. Drink this beverage as it slows down the stomach-emptying, which further assists in weight loss.

Tip: Combine exercise and diet with apple cider tea for significant weight loss.

5. Promotes Heart Health

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) tea offers several heart health benefits. The beneficial effects on the lipid profile include a positive influence on HDL, LDL, and triglyceride, directly promoting good heart health. It does so by binding pectin to bile acids in the body. The herbal tea is often combined with grounded cinnamon, which further supports the reduction of bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels and the increase of good cholesterol.

The polyphenols in the tea help prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart diseases. Studies also suggest the role of this miracle tea in reducing blood pressure which directly reduces the risk of stroke and other cardiovascular issues.

How to Make ACV Tea At Home

Making apple cider tea at home is quite easy with a few easily available ingredients.

  • Preparation Time= ~ 5 Minutes
  • Total Making Time= ~ 15 Minutes
  • Serves 1

Ingredients Required

  • 2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  •  12 Ounce Water
  • Green or Black Tea bag

Optional Ingredients

  • A few drops of Lemon Juice
  • 1 Tbsp Honey as Sweetener
  • Spices Like ½ Tsp Cinnamon
  • Rosemary
  • Sage Leaves
  • Black Pepper Corn

Step By Step Method To Make Apple Cider Tea

The steps for brewing the tea perfectly include:

  1. Take a pot and add ACV and water to it for dilution.
  2. Add green or black tea bag and cinnamon to it, and let it simmer for 10 mins on medium heat.
  3. Turn off the flame and let it rest for 5 mins.
  4. Strain the tea and squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into it for a citrus twist.
  5. Add honey as a natural sweetener and enjoy with savory or dessert.

Tip: Lemon ginger shot, with its benefits, can be an add-on in apple cider tea to level up the healthy effects and mask the unpleasant taste.

Note: Based on the weather and personal preferences, apple cider tea can also be served chilled.

Best Time To Drink Apple Cider Tea

Apple cider tea can be consumed at any time of the day but the healthy option is to avoid it during the night due to the risk of indigestion or acid reflux.

Consuming it at least 2-3 hours before bedtime is highly recommended.

  • ACV Tea as a Morning Boost: Start your day with a warm energy-boosting cup for smooth digestion all day, pairing it with a healthy granola bar for a complete breakfast.
  • Afternoon Refreshment: Enjoy a comforting break with tea and fresh salad bowel before unwinding the day.
  • After Heavy Lunch: Drink the tea to aid digestion and reduce bloating after a fat lunch.
  • Evening Refreshment: Have a calming feel after a tiring day with apple cider tea paired with a splash of vanilla and dark chocolate truffles.


Apple cider tea has recently gained popularity in medical treatments due to its natural composition and unlimited health benefits ranging from cardiovascular to overall health. The beverage is a healthy alternative to soft drinks or caffeine. However, consult a registered dietitian or your healthcare provider if you are pregnant, have allergies, or are taking any medication to avoid side effects.


When is the best time to drink apple cider tea?

Apple cider tea can be taken at any time of the day, but the best option is to drink it in the morning. This helps you enjoy an energy shot throughout the day.

Where can I buy apple cider tea?

Apple cider tea is available in ready-to-drink form at grocery stores and cafes. You can make it at home with ACV and green or balck tea in a few easy steps.

Can apple cider tea help with weight loss?

Apple cider tea is a go-to drink for those intending to lose weight. It has reduced caloric content and also promotes fullness. Combine the remedy with exercise and diet for additional benefits.

Are there any side effects of drinking apple cider tea?

Due to its acidic nature, exceeding the safe doses of apple cider tea can damage tooth enamel and cause throat burn, indigestion, and skin rashes. The safe amounts for ACV are 1-2 Tbsp per day.

Can I drink apple cider tea cold?

The ACV tea can be served chilled, taken directly out of the fridge, or with ice during summer. It depends on your personal preferences to consume it hot or cold.

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